
Developing #

Device Applications #

Consider this C program:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <tkey/led.h>

#define SLEEPTIME 100000

void sleep(uint32_t n)
	for (volatile int i = 0; i < n; i++);

int main(void)
	for (;;) {

To get this to work you will need our header files and to link with libcrt0 C runtime, otherwise your program won’t even reach main(), and libcommon to get the led_set() function.

Header files and libraries are available in our repository tkey-libs as mentioned in Tools & libraries.

We also provide a linker script there in which shows the linker the memory layout.

Minimal compilation of the above program would look something like this if tkey-libs is in the directory next to this one:

clang -g -target riscv32-unknown-none-elf -march=rv32iczmmul -mabi=ilp32 \
  -mcmodel=medany -static -std=gnu99 -O2 -ffast-math -fno-common \
  -fno-builtin-printf -fno-builtin-putchar -nostdlib -mno-relax -flto \
  -Wall -Werror=implicit-function-declaration \
  -I ../tkey-libs/include \
  -I ../tkey-libs -c -o rgb.o rgb.c

clang -g -target riscv32-unknown-none-elf -march=rv32iczmmul -mabi=ilp32 \
  -mcmodel=medany -static -ffast-math -fno-common -nostdlib \
  -T ../tkey-libs/ \
  -L ../tkey-libs -lcrt0 -lcommon \
  -I ../tkey-libs -o rgb.elf rgb.o

llvm-objcopy --input-target=elf32-littleriscv --output-target=binary rgb.elf rgb.bin

Now you have rgb.bin which you can load into a TKey with tkey-runapp (see Running TKey apps below).

To make development easier a sample Makefile is provided in tkey-libs/example-app.

Memory #

RAM starts at 0x4000_0000 and ends at 0x4002_0000 (128 kiB). The device app will be loaded by firmware at RAM start. The stack for the app is set up by the C runtime libcrt0 to start just below the end of RAM and grows downwards. A larger app comes at the tradeoff of having a smaller stack.

There are no heap allocation functions, no malloc() and friends. You can access memory directly yourself. APP_ADDR and APP_SIZE are provided so the loaded device app knows where it’s loaded and how large it is.

Special memory areas for memory mapped hardware functions are available at base 0xc000_0000 and an offset. Please try to use the helper functions in tkey-libs before accessing hardware function addresses directly.

See the memory map for an overview, the the hardware description for how to use, and the header file tk1_mem.h in tkey-libs.

Running TKey apps #

To run the TKey, plug it into a USB port on a computer. If the TKey status indicator LED is white, it has been programmed with the standard FPGA bitstream (including the firmware). If the status indicator LED is not white it is unprovisioned. For instructions on how to do the initial programming of an unprovisioned TKey, see: (in the tillitis-key1 repository).

Linux Users #

Running lsusb should list the USB stick as 1207:8887 Tillitis MTA1-USB-V1. On Linux, the TKey’s serial port device path is typically /dev/ttyACM0 (but it may end with another digit, if you have other devices plugged in already). The client applications try to auto-detect TKeys, but if more than one TKey is found you need to choose one using the --port flag.

You must have read and write access to the serial port. One way to get access as your ordinary user is by installing a udev rule like this:

# Mark Tillitis TKey as a security token. /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/70-uaccess.rules
# will add TAG "uaccess", which will result in file ACLs so that local user
# (see loginctl) can read/write to the serial port in /dev.
ATTRS{idVendor}=="1207", ATTRS{idProduct}=="8887",\

Put this in /etc/udev/rules.d/60-tkey.rules and run udevadm control --reload. When a TKey is plugged in, its device path (like /dev/ttyACM0) should now be accessible by anyone logged in on the console (see loginctl).

Another way to get access is by becoming a member of the group that owns serial ports, on some systems with default udev rules for USB CDC ACM devices that come and go. On Ubuntu that group is dialout, and you can do it like this:

$ id -un
$ ls -l /dev/ttyACM0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 166, 0 Sep 16 08:20 /dev/ttyACM0
$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout exampleuser

For the change to take effect, you need to either log out and login again, or run the command newgrp dialout in the terminal that you are working in.

macOS Users #

The client apps tries to auto-detect the serial port of the TKey. If more than one serial port is found, use the --port flag to select the appropriate one.

To find the serial ports device path manually you can do ls -l /dev/cu.*. There should be a device named /dev/cu.usbmodemN (where N is a number, for example 101). This is the device path that might need to be passed as --port when running the client app.

You can verify that the OS has found and enumerated the TKey by running:

ioreg -p IOUSB -w0 -l

There should be an entry with "USB Vendor Name" = "Tillitis".

Windows Users #

Client apps will automatically detect the TKey serial port, unless the --port flag is used.

If required, however, finding the TKey serial port can be done using Powershell, with the command:

Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly | Where-Object { $_.InstanceId -match '^USB' }

The TKey will be listed under the class: ‘Ports’, with the name ‘USB Serial Device’.

Alternatively, one can also find the device in Device Manager, under ‘Ports (COM & LPT)’. This will also show the status of the TKey.

Running a TKey Device Application #

Most client applications embed the device app in their own binary to be able to automatically load the device app. This is the recommended approach for a smooth expereince when using the TKey. See, for instance, tkey-ssh-agent which embeds the device app signer.

For development or simply loading a device app onto a TKey the tkey-runapp from the tkey-devtools repository can be used.

tkey-runapp rgb.bin

This should auto-detect any attached TKeys, upload, and start a tiny device app that blinks the LED as described under Device Applications.

Debugging #

If you run a TKey device app in the QEMU emulator there is a debug port on 0xfe00_1000 (TK1_MMIO_QEMU_DEBUG). Anything written there is printed as a character by QEMU on stdout.

qemu_putchar(), qemu_puts(), qemu_putinthex(), qemu_hexdump() and friends (see libcommon/qemu_debug.c and include/qemu_debug.h in tkey-libs) use this debug port to print out things. If you want to use this you should define QEMU_DEBUG when including qemu_debug.h. If you don’t define QEMU_DEBUG the functions are void macros so you can still use them but they won’t generate any code. Typically you would have something like this among your CFLAGS in your Makefile:

CFLAGS = ... \

and uncomment it and recompile when you want to run an app with debug output using the QEMU debug port.

The emulator can output some memory access (and other) logs. You can add -d guest_errors to the qemu command line to make QEMU send these to stderr.

You can also use the QEMU monitor for debugging, for example, info registers, or run QEMU with -d in_asm or -d trace:riscv_trap for tracing.


If you run QEMU with -s it provides the GDB protocol on localhost:1234 (default).

If you run with -S QEMU doesn’t start the firmware automatically. If you also specified -s and attach a GDB you can control the start entirely from GDB.

Your OS package system might include a GDB with RV32IMC support, perhaps under a name like riscv32-elf-gdb. Ubuntu, however, does not. Instead you can use GDB from

Before doing anything else, start qemu. Take note of what pty the serial port ends up on. Look for:

char device redirected to /dev/pts/12 (label chrid)"

You can use this port later for communicating with your device app.

If you’re debugging an ordinary device app, you have to first load the device app, typically by using tkey-runapp from tkey-devtools using the pty QEMU mentioned when starting:

tkey-runapp --port /dev/pts/12  app.bin

Then attach GDB to it:

riscv32-elf-gdb app.elf \
-ex "set architecture riscv:rv32" \
-ex "target remote :1234"

Attaching GDB works with both firmware and apps. For firmware debugging you obviously don’t need to use tkey-runapp.

Note well:

  • You load the raw binary app.bin with tkey-runapp but you feed the ELF format binary app.elf to GDB.

  • Remember to compile your programs with -g in CFLAGS to include debug symbols in the ELF file.

Client applications #

Typically you start a client application by connecting to the TKey:

package main

import (


func main() {
	tk := tkeyclient.New()
	err := tk.Connect("/dev/ttyACM0")
	if err != nil {
		panic("Couldn't connect to TKey!")

Then you can start using it by asking it to identify itself and make sure it’s in firmware mode:

	nameVer, err := tk.GetNameVersion()
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Printf("Firmware name0:'%s' name1:'%s' version:%d\n",
		nameVer.Name0, nameVer.Name1, nameVer.Version)

Then you can load and start an app on the TKey:

	err = tk.LoadAppFromFile("blink.bin", []byte{})
	if err != nil {

After this, the client program and the device program talk their own protocol. You are encouraged to use the same framing protocol used for the firmware while still replying negatively to a frame meant for the firmware.

See the tkeyclient Go doc for details on how to call the functions.