
TKey Hardware Design #

The TKey hardware design consists of an FPGA device and some support components mounted on the PCB. The FPGA design contain the TKey System on Chip (SoC) where device applications are loaded and executed. Communication between the TKey SoC and a client app (running on the host computer) is handled by a small microcontroller (MCU) that handles conversion between USB and UART.

The SoC, called application_fpga in the hardware repo consists of a CPU and a number of cores attached through the memory subsystem. The following is a description of the CPU, the cores, and the functionality they implement from a developer point of view.


The CPU of the TKey is a modified version of PicoRV32, 32-bit RISC-V running at 18 MHz. Modifications includes a fast 32x32 multiplier implemented using the multiplier blocks in the iCE40 DSPs as well as a HW trap function.

The supported instruction set supported by the CPU is a subset of RV32I. Specifically it includes compressed instructions, but excludes instructions for:

  • Counters
  • System
  • Synch
  • CSR access
  • Change level
  • Trap redirect
  • Interrupt
  • MMU

The instruction set implemented by the CPU also includes multiplication instructions from the RV32IC_Zmmul (-march=rv32iczmmul) extension. Division is not supported.

Any illegal, unsupported instruction will halt the CPU. The halted CPU is detected by the hardware, which will blink the RGB LED with red to indicate the error state. There is no way for the CPU to exit the trap state besides a power cycle of the device.

Note that the CPU has no support for interrupts. No instructions, ports or logic.

Security Monitor #

The security monitor can be used by TKey apps to prevent the CPU from trying to execute instructions from a memory area. When the monitor detects that the CPU is requesting instructions from the area, the monitor will force the CPU to read an illegal instruction. This will halt the CPU until it is reset. This will also be indicated by a red flashing status LED.

The monitor is set up by writing the start address to TK1_MMIO_TK1_CPU_MON_FIRST and end addresses to TK1_MMIO_TK1_CPU_MON_LAST, then starting the monitor by writing to TK1_MMIO_TK1_CPU_MON_CTRL. After having been enabled the monitor cannot be disabled and the addresses cannot be altered.

The monitor also protects the special firmware RAM, FW_RAM. This area is always protected.

Firmware ROM #

The ROM (Read-Only Memory) contains the firmware. After a reset, the CPU will start executing the code at the beginning of the ROM, thus running the firmware. The firmware is then responsible for receiving, measuring and starting a device application. The ROM image is part of the FPGA bitstream.


The RAM begins at 0x4000_0000 and ends at 0x4002_0000 (128 kiB).

The firmware clears and fills the RAM with randomized words on power up.

Address Randomisation #

The TKey hardware includes a simple form of RAM memory protection from external threats. This might mitigate some of the problems of a warm boot attack potentially reading out all the RAM contents.

The memory protection is based on two separate mechanisms:

  1. Address randomisation
  2. Address dependent data scrambling

The address randomisation is implemented by XORing the CPU address with the contents of TK1_MMIO_TK1_RAM_ADDR_RAND. The result is used as the RAM address. This is set up by the firmware as part of loading the TKey device app. The addresses will be transparent to the device app and developers don’t have to do anything to use it.

For more information about this, please see the Tillitis Key system description (in the tillitis-key1 repository).

Note that this is not randomising offsets to the stack or well-known functions. This is address randomisation as seen from outside of the running process, meant to slow down a hardware attack.

RAM Scrambler #

The data scrambling is implemented by XORing the data written to the RAM with the contents of TK1_MMIO_TK1_RAM_SCRAMBLE as well as XORing with the CPU address. This means that the same data written to two different addresses will be scrambled differently. The same pair or XOR operations is also performed on the data read out from the RAM.

The data scrambling is set up by the firmware as part of loading the TKey device app. The scrambling will be transparent to the app and developers don’t have to do anything to use it.

Timer #

A general purpose 32-bit timer. The timer will count down every cycle, from the initial value down to one. In order to handle long time sequences (minutes, hours, days) there is also a 32-bit prescaler.

Typical use:

  1. Set the prescaler by writing to TK1_MMIO_TIMER_PRESCALER. Default is 1. If you set the prescaler to 18_000_000, the timer ticks every second because the CPU is running at 18 MHz.
  2. Set the initialization value of the timer by writing to TK1_MMIO_TIMER_TIMER.
  3. Start the timer by setting bit 0 in TK1_MMIO_TIMER_CTRL.
  4. Poll status by checking bit if 0 is 1 in TK1_MMIO_TIMER_STATUS. If it is 0, the timer has expired.

If you want to stop the timer, set bit 1 in TK1_MMIO_TIMER_CTRL.


A standard UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) interface is used for sending and receiving bytes to a TKey device app via the interface microcontroller on the TKey. The UART default configuration is:

Data rate62500 bpsDivisor = 288
Data bits8
Stop bits10, 1, 2
Paritynonenot configurable

All configuration, except for parity, can be configured by the device app. Note that the client app must set the same configuration.

The UART contains a 512-byte Rx-FIFO with status (data available).

The device app can read from the UART by polling TK1_MMIO_UART_RX_STATUS until it is non-zero. The received byte is then available in the LSB (Least Significant Byte) of the TK1_MMIO_UART_RX_DATA word.

Writing is done by polling TK1_MMIO_UART_TX_STATUS until it is non-zero. The byte to transmit can then be written to the LSB of the TK1_MMIO_UART_TX_DATA word.

The data bits and stop bits can be set by writing to TK1_MMIO_UART_DATA_BITS and TK1_MMIO_UART_STOP_BITS.

The speed is set by setting a divisor of the bps wanted. Calculate divisor = 18E6 / bps. Write the divisor to TK1_MMIO_UART_BIT_RATE.

True Random Number Generator (TRNG) #

The True Random Number Generator (TRNG) ring oscillator based internal entropy source.

The TRNG generates randomness with a fairly good quality. However for security related use cases, for example generating keys, the TRNG should not be used directly. Instead use it to create a seed for a Digital Random Bit Generator (DRBG), also known as a Cryptographically Safe Pseudo Random Number Generator (CSPRNG). Examples of such generators are Hash_DRGG, CTR_DRBG, HKDF.

Getting a word of entropy is done by polling TK1_MMIO_TRNG_STATUS until non-zero, then reading the word from TK1_MMIO_TRNG_ENTROPY.

Touch Sensor #

The touch_sense core provides an interface to the touch sensor on the TKey device. Using the core, the firmware as well as applications can get information about touch events and manage detection of events.

It is recommended to start handling touch events by acknowledging any stray event before signalling to the user that a touch event is expected, and then start waiting for the event.

  1. Begin by writing to TK1_MMIO_TOUCH_STATUS to acknowledge any stray events.
  2. Poll TK1_MMIO_TOUCH_STATUS. When non-zero the sensor has detected a touch.
  3. Acknowledge the touch by writing to TK1_MMIO_TOUCH_STATUS.

See touch_wait() in tkey-libs.


Only available in firmware mode. 8 words of Unique Device Secret. Part of the FPGA design, changed when provisioning a TKey. It is available between the words TK1_MMIO_UDS_FIRST and TK1_MMIO_UDS_LAST.

The UDS is only readable once per power cycle. The protection is done per word, so make sure to only access UDS by words.

TK1 #

The TKey core contains several functions, and acts as the main hardware interface between firmware and device applications. The core has:

  • Read access to the 64 bit FPGA design name, expressed as ASCII chars: TK1_MMIO_TK1_NAME0 & TK1_MMIO_TK1_NAME1.

  • Read access to the 32 bit FPGA design version, expressed as an integer: TK1_MMIO_TK1_VERSION.

  • Control of and status access for the RGB status LED on the TKey, available at TK1_MMIO_TK1_LED.

    • Setting bit 0 high turns on the Blue LED.
    • Setting bit 1 high turns on the Green LED.
    • Setting bit 2 high turns on the Red LED.

    See led_get() and led_set() and constants in tkey-libs.

  • Control of and status access for the 4 GPIO (General-purpose Input/Output) pins on the TKey, available at TK1_MMIO_TK1_GPIO.

    • GPIO 1 and 2 are inputs and provide read access to the current sampled value digital values on the pins.

    • GPIO 3 and 4 are outputs. The digital value written to the bits is presented on the pins.

  • Application read access to information about the loaded application. The information is written by the firmware.

    • Start address at TK1_MMIO_TK1_APP_ADDR.
    • Size of device app at TK1_MMIO_TK1_APP_SIZE.
  • Application read access to 8 words of Compound Device Identifier (CDI) generated and written by the firmware when the application is loaded. They are available between TK1_MMIO_TK1_CDI_FIRST and TK1_MMIO_TK1_CDI_LAST.

  • Application-Firmware execution mode control, available at TK1_MMIO_TK1_SWITCH_APP. Can be written to by the firmware, and read by device app. When the firmware writes to it, the hardware will switch to application mode, which closes off some of the memory app for reading and or writing. See the table in the memory map.

    If read in application mode it returns 0xffffffff.

  • Two words of Unique Device Identifier (UDI) available between TK1_MMIO_TK1_UDI_FIRST and TK1_MMIO_TK1_UDI_LAST. Only available in firmware mode.

  • An address to the built-in BLAKE2s hash function in the firmware on TK1_MMIO_TK1_BLAKE2S. Wrapped in tkey-libs so you can use it like an ordinary C function:

    int blake2s(void *out, unsigned long outlen, const void *key,
          unsigned long keylen, const void *in, unsigned long inlen,
          blake2s_ctx *ctx)


There is a simple debug port available which is usable only in the TKey emulator.

Write a byte to TK1_MMIO_QEMU_DEBUG to get it printed in the qemu console.

See qemu_debug.h in tkey-libs for helper functions.