
Protocols #

Framing Protocol #

Tillitis provides a framing protocol for client applications to communicate with the TKey firmware and device applications. Developers can optionally use this framing protocol as a basis for their own TKey device applications - but client applications must use it when communicating with the firmware using the firmware protocol defined below.

The communication is driven by the client application running on the host computer and the protocol is command-response based. The client app sends a command, and the TKey sends a response to the given command.

Commands are processed by the TKey in order. If the client app sends a new command before receiving a response to the previous command, it is the responsibility of the client app to determine which command a received response belongs to.

Commands and responses are sent as frames with a limited length. The communicating endpoints decide the meaning of the command and response frames, and whether the commands and responses are valid or not.

Command Frame Format #

A command frame consists of a single header byte followed by one or more data bytes. The number of data bytes in the frame is given by the header byte. The header byte also specifies the endpoint for the command/response – essentially indicating if it is sent to/by the firmware, or a device application.

The bits in the command header byte should be interpreted as:

  • Bit [7] (1 bit). Reserved - possible protocol version.

  • Bits [6..5] (2 bits). Frame ID tag.

  • Bits [4..3] (2 bits). Endpoint number.

    1. Reserved
    2. HW in application_fpga (unused)
    3. Firmware
    4. Device application
  • Bit [2] (1 bit). Unused. MUST be zero.

  • Bits [1..0] (2 bits). Command data length.

    1. 1 byte
    2. 4 bytes
    3. 32 bytes
    4. 128 bytes

Note that the number of bytes indicated by the command data length field does not include the command header byte. This means that a complete command frame, with a header indicating a data length of 128 bytes, is 128+1 bytes in length.

Note that the client application sets the frame ID tag. The ID tag in a given command must be preserved in the corresponding response to the command.

Command Frame Examples #

Note that most of the examples below do not take into account that the particular app or firmware command request typically occupies the first byte in the data (following the frame header byte), which makes 1 byte less available for actual command content.

These examples clarify endpoints and commands using the framing protocol:

  • 0x13: A command to the firmware with 128 bytes of data. The data could, for example, be parts of an application binary to be loaded into memory.

  • 0x1a: A command to the application running with 32 bytes of data. The data could be a 32 byte challenge to be signed using the private key derived in the TKey.

Response Frame Format #

A response consists of a single header byte followed by one or more bytes.

The bits in the response header byte should be interpreted as follows:

  • Bit [7] (1 bit). Reserved - possible protocol version.

  • Bits [6..5] (2 bits). Frame ID tag.

  • Bits [4..3] (2 bits). Endpoint number.

    1. Reserved
    2. HW in application_fpga (unused)
    3. Firmware
    4. Device application
  • Bit [2] (1 bit). Response status.

    1. OK
    2. Not OK (NOK)
  • Bits [1..0] (2 bits). Response data length.

    1. 1 byte
    2. 4 bytes
    3. 32 bytes
    4. 128 bytes

Note that the number of bytes indicated by the response data length field does not include the response header byte. This means that a complete response frame, with a header indicating a data length of 128 bytes, is 128+1 bytes in length.

Note that the ID in a response must be the same ID as was present in the header of the command being responded to.

Response Frame Examples #

Note that most of the examples below do not take into account that the particular app or firmware response request typically occupies the first byte in the data (following the frame header byte), which makes 1 byte less available for actual response content.

  • 0x14: An unsuccessful command to the firmware which responds with a single byte of data.

  • 0x1b: A successful command to the device application running. The response contains 128 bytes of data, for example an EdDSA Ed25519 signature.

Firmware Protocol #

Firmware Protocol Definition #

The firmware commands and responses are built on top of the framing protocol above.

The commands look like this:

NameSize (bytes)Comment
Header1Framing protocol header including length of the rest of the frame.
Command/Response1Any of the below commands or responses.
DatanAny additional data.

The responses might include a one byte status field where 0 is STATUS_OK and 1 is STATUS_BAD.

Note that the integer types are little-endian (LE).


Get the name and version of the stick.


NameSize (bytes)Comment
version4Integer version (LE)

In a bad response the fields will be all zeros (0x00 bytes).

FW_CMD_LOAD_APP (0x03) #

NameSize (bytes)Comment
size4Integer (LE)
uss-provided10 = false, 1 = true
uss32Ignored if above 0

Start an application loading session by setting the size of the expected device application and a User-Supplied Secret, if uss-provided is 1. Otherwise the uss is ignored.

FW_RSP_LOAD_APP (0x04) #

Response to FW_CMD_LOAD_APP

NameSize (bytes)Comment


namesize (bytes)comment
data127Raw binary app data

Load 127 bytes of raw app binary into the TKey RAM. Should be sent consecutively over the complete raw binary. (128 == largest frame length minus the command byte).


Response to all but the ultimate FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA commands.

NameSize (bytes)Comment


The response to the last FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA is an FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA_READY with the BLAKE2s-256 hash digest (no secret key) for the application that was loaded. It allows the client application on the host to verify that the application was correctly loaded. This means that the calculated CDI will be correct, given that the UDS has not been modified.

NameSize (bytes)Comment

FW_CMD_GET_UDI (0x08) #

Ask for the Unique Device Identifier (UDI) of the TKey.

FW_RSP_GET_UDI (0x09) #

Response to FW_CMD_GET_UDI.

namesize (bytes)comment
udi4Integer (LE) with Reserved (4 bit), Vendor (2 byte),
Product ID (6 bit), Product Revision (6 bit)
udi4Integer serial number (LE)

Get the name and version of the device #

host ->
  u8 CMD[1 + 1];

  CMD[0].len = 1    // command frame format
  CMD[1]     = 0x01 // FW_CMD_NAME_VERSION

host <-
  u8 RSP[1 + 32]

  RSP[0].len  = 32   // command frame format
  RSP[1]      = 0x02 // FW_RSP_NAME_VERSION

  RSP[2..6]   = NAME0
  RSP[6..10]  = NAME1
  RSP[10..14] = VERSION

  RSP[14..]   = 0

Load an application #

It’s recommended to check if the TKey is in firmware mode before attempting to load a device application. Typically this firmware probe is implemented by sending FW_CMD_NAME_VERSION with a header byte indicating endpoint 2, firmware.

We encourage device app developers to support a firmware probe and reply NOK to anything that comes with a header byte for endpoint 2.

The sequence looks like this:

sequenceDiagram autonumber participant c as Client participant t as TKey c->>t: Running firmware? t->>c: Yes! c->>t: FW_CMD_LOAD_APP(size, USS) t->>c: FW_RSP_LOAD_APP loop Until entire device app sent c->>t: FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA(app block) t->>c: FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA || FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA_READY end

In detail, after the firmware probe:

host ->
  u8 CMD[1 + 128];

  CMD[0].len = 128  // command frame format
  CMD[1]     = 0x03 // FW_CMD_LOAD_APP

  CMD[2..6]  = APP_SIZE

  CMD[6]     = USS supplied? 0 = false, 1 = true
  CMD[7..39] = USS
  CMD[40..]  = 0

host <-
  u8 RSP[1 + 4];

  RSP[0].len = 4    // command frame format
  RSP[1]     = 0x04 // FW_RSP_LOAD_APP

  RSP[2]     = STATUS

  RSP[3..]   = 0

repeat ceil(APP_SIZE / 127) times:
host ->
  u8 CMD[1 + 128];

  CMD[0].len = 128  // command frame format
  CMD[1]     = 0x05 // FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA

  CMD[2..]   = APP_DATA (127 bytes of app data, pad with zeros)

host <-
  u8 RSP[1 + 4]

  RSP[0].len = 4    // command frame format
  RSP[1]     = 0x06 // FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA

  RSP[2]     = STATUS

  RSP[3..]   = 0

Except response from last chunk of app data which is:

host <-
  u8 RSP[1 + 128]

  RSP[0].len = 128  // command frame format
  RSP[1]     = 0x07 // FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA_READY

  RSP[2]     = STATUS

  RSP[3..35]   = app digest
  RSP[36..]    = 0