Program NVCM

Program the NVCM #

Programming the NVCM (Non-Volatile Configuration Memory) makes it possible to securely write the bitstream with its secrets and make it non-readable.

Programming the NVCM consists of these steps:

  1. Download tool.
  2. Program the NVCM.
  3. Remove traces of build.
NOTE: The NVCM of the FPGA is a one-time-write only! There is no way of restoring or reprogramming the FPGA. If you want the possbility to reprogram the TKey multiple times, consider programming the SPI flash instead.
NOTE: Only use bitstreams built by yourself or someone you trust. Anyone who has your bitstream can create copies.
NOTE: If the security bit is not set in the FPGA, the TKey should not be considered secure, and anyone who gets their hands on the TKey can read out the entire configuration and its secrets.

We have a Python tool that programs the NVCM. There are two alternatives to use it: either download our pre-compiled binaries or run the Python tool directly on your machine.

Connect the TKey Programmer to the computer and place the TKey correctly in the programming jig. Close the lid by pushing on the middle of the lid.

1. Download tools #

Download and unzpip or clone the repository next to the tillitis-key1 repository

Navigate to pynvcm/

Install the Python interpreter and it’s depencencies

sudo apt install python3.10-venv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Program NVCM #

You need permission to speak to the raw USB device of the TKey Programmer. See Linux device permissions to set it up.

To program NVCM use

python3 --my-design-is-good-enough --write ../tillitis-key1/hw/application_fpga/application_fpga.bin --verify ../tillitis-key1/hw/application_fpga/application_fpga.bin --ignore-blank --secure

or another appropriate path to application_fpga.bin if you chose another relative location between the repositories.

When completed, deactivate the venv using


1. Download tools #

Download and unzpip or clone the repository next to the tillitis-key1 repository

Navigate to pynvcm/

Install the Python interpreter and it’s depencencies

brew install python3.10
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Program NVCM #

To program NVCM use

python3 --my-design-is-good-enough --write ../tillitis-key1/hw/application_fpga/application_fpga.bin --verify ../tillitis-key1/hw/application_fpga/application_fpga.bin --ignore-blank --secure

or another appropriate path to application_fpga.bin if you chose another relative location between the repositories.

When completed, deactivate the venv using


1. Download tools #

Download and unzpip or clone the repository next to the tillitis-key1 repository

Navigate to pynvcm/

Install the Python interpreter and it’s depencencies Navigate to /tillitis-key1/hw/production_tests/ and run

winget install Python.Python.3.10
python.exe -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Program NVCM #

To program NVCM use

python.exe --my-design-is-good-enough --write ..\tillitis-key1\hw\application_fpga\application_fpga.bin --verify ..\tillitis-key1\hw\application_fpga\application_fpga.bin --ignore-blank --secure

or another appropriate path to application_fpga.bin if you chose another relative location between the repositories.

when completed, deactivate the venv using


1. Download tools #

Navigate to /tillitis-key1/hw/application_fpga/ and download and unzip the binary for your OS

2. Program NVCM #

Use the appropriate executable for your OS, like

./pynvcm_0.0.1_linux-amd64 --my-design-is-good-enough --write application_fpga.bin --verify application_fpga.bin --ignore-blank --secure

Even if the NVCM is a one-time-write only area, it can be read out if the security bit is not set. The --secure flag to pynvcm will set the bit to prevent reading NVCM.

Your TKey is now provisioned and ready to be taken out of the programmer.

3. Remove traces of build #

It is important to remove all traces of the UDS.

To remove your previously created UDS, you have a few choices. Either remove these files, with for example rm:


or natively or your container shell:

cd hw/application_fpga
make clean
rm data/uds.hex

Once you are done, continue to casing to assemble the plastic case.