Program SPI flash

Program the SPI flash of the TKey #

Programming the SPI flash of the TKey makes it possible to develop and test different FPGA configurations and firmwares while reprogramming multiple times.

The entire content of the SPI flash can be read by anyone who has access to the TKey. If you want a secure, locked-down version of TKey, you should instead program the NVCM.

Programming the SPI flash is done in two steps:

  1. Download tools.
  2. Program the SPI flash.

The SPI flash can be programmed either in the container or natively. If you are using our container you can go directly to step 2.

1. Download tools #

When programming the SPI flash we are using iceprog from our fork of the Yosys icestorm project:

If you want to use iceprog natively you will need to compile only icestorm/iceprog in the “interfaces” branch with:

make PROGRAM_PREFIX=tillitis-

By default it installs with make install in /usr/local/bin.

Our OCI image tkey-builder includes our version of iceprog for use with Podman.

2. Program SPI flash #

First ensure that the TKey is inserted into the TKey Programmer and that the programmer is inserted into your computer.

Note for this to work, you need permission to speak to the raw USB device of the TKey Programmer. See Linux device permissions.

Podman #

If you’re on an SELinux system you might need to run this first to be able to access USB devices from the container:

setsebool container_use_devices=true

The simplest way is to use the make target

make -C contrib flash

which will start the container and program the SPI flash directly. If this succeeds you are done and can skip the remaining steps. Otherwise start the container using:

podman run --rm --device /dev/bus/usb/$(lsusb | grep -m 1 1209:8886 | awk '{ printf "%s/%s", $2, substr($4,1,3) }') -v .:/build:Z -w /build -it /usr/bin/bash

Programming #

In a native shell or your container shell:

tillitis-iceprog hw/application_fpga/application_fpga.bin

1. Download tools #

When programming the SPI flash we are using iceprog from our fork of the Yosys icestorm project:

If you want to use iceprog natively you will need to compile only icestorm/iceprog in the “interfaces” branch with:

make PROGRAM_PREFIX=tillitis- OS=macos

By default it installs with make install in /usr/local/bin.

You can also download a binary release here:

2. Program SPI flash #

First ensure that the TKey is inserted into the TKey Programmer and that the programmer is inserted into your computer.

After installing tillitis-iceprog, run:

tillitis-iceprog hw/application_fpga/application_fpga.bin
At the current state Tillitis does not provide a simple way of programming the SPI flash from a Windows machine. We are working on a solution.

When programming the SPI flash we are using iceprog from our fork of the Yosys icestorm project:

Use the “interfaces” branch.

According to Yosys it shoud be possible to compile but Tillitis has not yet explored this solution, please see the bottom of Yosys download page if you want to try.

Your Tkey is now ready to be taken out of the programmer.

If you plan to later lock down your Tkey by flashing the NVCM, it is highly recommended to generate a new bitstream with a new unique UDS and UDI.

Once you are done, continue to casing to assemble the plastic case.